Commercial Financing

UIF specializes in Commercial Real Estate Financing for Businesses and Non-Profit Organizations.

We offer competitive pricing with strict Sharia Compliance.
Our Commercial Officers are experienced and knowledgeable to help your business or organization plan and meet its objectives.

Uses for Commercial Financing

  • Professional Offices & Retail Centers

  • Masjids & Community Centers
  • Apartment Buildings & Rental Properties

  • Schools & More!

Commercial Financing Products

This program is based on the financing principle of Musharaka. Under this arrangement, two parties (Financing Company aka UIF and the Customer) come together to purchase an asset.

Each party contributes its monetary share towards the purchase price of the property. Customer contributes in the form of a down payment and UIF contribution is the financing amount. Since the Customer uses the property for their benefit, rent is paid to UIF for using their share of the property. The rent is the “profit” UIF derives from investing in this partnership. Customer acquires the property from UIF over the agreed-upon term.

We currently offer commercial real estate financing in the following states:

California, Florida, Illinois, Indiana, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Texas, Virginia

Qualifying Requirements for Programs

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